

Ein sof God’s infinite light, before the beginning of the creative process. Ein-Sof, the Infinite God, has no static, definable form. Instead, the Kabbalists conceive God, the world and humanity as evolving together through, and thus embodying, a number of distinct stages and aspects, with later stages opposing, but at the same time encompassing, earlier …

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Triskele Its graphic representation is three spiral lines joined at a central point that can be circular or triangular. It is attributed to the Druids as a sacred symbol and refers to the number three. The Druids were the priestly class of the Celtic culture. The Celts were a series of tribes that were distributed …

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Swastika The swastika is a symbol consisting of four crossed gamma letters. The swastika is also called “gammadion” because, being a four-armed cross (tetrakelion), it can be formed by joining four gamma letters. Origin of the swastika symbol The swastika is a symbolic symbol that is widespread throughout the Eurasian area, North Africa and all …

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Air It is considered one of the four elements: fire, air, water and earth.Fire and air are considered active and masculine elements.It is associated with three elements: the creative vital breath, the storm, and movement.Nietzsche considered the air the equivalent of freedom, and associated it with the air of the summits.